Our range of outdoor and shooting wear
Seal’s Cove Shooting Ground stock top of the range shooting wear, from modern waterproof fabrics to traditional tweeds. Come along to our shop near Aberdeen to see what we have to offer.
Brilliant boots for sale at our site near Aberdeen
We are importers of Gronell Footwear from Italy, one of the last footwear manufacturers to continue to make boots in their own factory in Italy. We pride ourselves in keeping all sizes and styles in stock at all times. Check out our full range of shooting wear – come along to our shop at Seal’s Cove Shooting Ground near Aberdeen.
Gun Safes
We import INFAC safes from Spain, these all have a single key 5 lever locking system, hidden hinges and in all cases (except the basic S3) are LINED is a soft fabric material to prevent damage to your guns.
A superior gun safe at a reasonable price.
S Series – Shotgun
S3 – a three gun safe unlined inside.
S5 – our most popular safe, four shotguns in the safe , one in the door pocket, lined – 5 lever lock, single key.
SD Series – Shotgun and Rifle
Are deeper and have a locking safe for ammunition inside the door
SD7 – a seven shotgun or rifle safe, lined.
SD10 –a ten shotgun or rifle safe, lined.
SD16 – lined.
CD Series – Shotgun and Rifle
Lined, key and turn key lock with 2 mm thicker steel
LPBT Series
ED Series
BPT Series
Reduced to £199